What is Ovarian Suppression for Breast Cancer Treatment?


Please note, that I did have estrogen positive breast cancer and have opted to do ovarian suppression and an AI as my breast cancer treatment. You and your doctor should discuss your options and whats the best treatment for you.

I wanted to write this post to provide you with reliable information in a relatable way, because that is what I wanted when I was diagnosed. So keep reading for what is ovarian suppression for breast cancer treatment.

Info from Breast Cancer Now
Hormone therapy: Some drugs stop the ovaries from making estrogen.
Goserelin (Zoladex) is the most commonly used drug used in ovarian suppression. It comes as a very small pellet (implant) in a pre-filled syringe. It’s given as an injection into your abdomen once a month.
Ovarian suppression combined with tamoxifen, aromatase inhibitors or targeted therapies
If you are having one of the above injections for ovarian suppression this is often combined with another hormone therapy such as tamoxifen or drugs known as aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole, exemestane and letrozole).

Info from Susan G Gomen

Ovarian suppression can slow the growth of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer in premenopausal (before menopause) women.

Ovarian suppression uses drug therapy or surgery to prevent the ovaries from making estrogen. This stops menstrual periods and lowers hormone levels in the body (similar to a natural menopause), so the tumor can’t get the estrogen it needs to grow.

Ovarian suppression is always given in combination with tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor. It’s not used instead of these therapies. So, having ovarian suppression doesn’t mean you can avoid taking tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor.

Are you currently in treatment for breast cancer? Have you discussed ovarian suppression shots? Let me know what other kind of information you’d like to see. And make sure to check out this blog post on What Questions to Ask Your Oncologist

Thanks for visiting!

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