Building My Support Network Through A Breast Cancer Diagnosis


Also known as how I’m handling cancer, chemo, motherhood, marriage, and a move—all at once.

Community. Find a community, they say. Find someone who gets you—a support network that can help when you need it the most. Boy are they right! Community is what has saved me during this breast cancer journey. My support network has played a critical role in helping me handle cancer, chemo, motherhood, marriage and a move—all at once.

My community starts with my husband, Chris, and my kids. Never has in sickness and in health meant more. And it’s no lie marriage is hard. Throw in a cancer diagnosis and it can get tough. But man oh man, are the good times great. I wouldn’t be where I am at in my breast cancer journey—or in life—if the good didn’t outweigh the bad. Time after time, the love from my husband and smiles of my children (and yes, some drugs, which I’m longer on) pulled me out of that dark place cancer can take you. No matter what you think about your spouse not being able to understand, they will be there for you in so many other ways. To give you that physical shoulder to cry on when you need it the most. And let’s be honest, that shoulder is sometimes all you need.

Did I mentioned motherhood is hard too? But despite having people in my life to support me, it’s been a struggle to realize that I can’t do everything by myself. As moms, I think we always want to do everything ourselves. But as much as I try, I just can’t. I need help. And honestly, that has been the hardest thing for me. It always has been. But what helped the most was knowing I was part of this #momlife community that had words of advice, especially at 3 a.m. You other moms know what I’m talking about. When all you want is a judgement-free zone and have others cheer you on when you just ask your four-year-old to go check on your two-year-old; or you served cheerios for dinner so you could enjoy a hot bath and wine without interruption. You know you’re not alone. And that’s all you need.

Read the rest of my HealthCentral blog post Building My Support Network here.

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