What Is The Breast Cancer Index Test and Do I Need It?


The quick answer to this question, what is the breast cancer index test and do you need it, is YES! I’ve simplified what this test is, what it predicts, how it benefits you and your healthcare team and how to ask your oncologist and insurance about it. They test the actual cancer tumor. Even if it’s been a year or 5 years, they should be able to test the tumor. Most universities keep tissue to do just that. Wherever you had your surgery, ask them about it.

The Breast Cancer Index genomic test analyzes the activity of 11 genes that can influence how likely the cancer is to come back 5 to 10 years after diagnosis.

The test can help women and their doctors decide if extending hormonal therapy 5 more years (for a total of 10 years of hormonal therapy) would be beneficial.
Reports how likely the cancer is to come back 5 to 10 years after diagnosis.

You were diagnosed with early-stage (stage I-III) breast cancer
The cancer was hormone-receptor-positive
There was no cancer in your lymph nodes (lymph node-negative disease) or the cancer is lymph-node positive and is in one, two, or three lymph nodes
You’ve been taking hormonal therapy for 4 to 5 years and want to know if taking hormonal therapy for more time will be beneficial.

Insurance Coverage

When I got this test done in Houston, my oncologist said most major insurances cover the test. (Mine did.) You never know. Make sure to call your insurance and talk to a patient navigator and let them know you’d like to find out more about your insurance policy and it’s coverage of the Breast Cancer Index test.

From breastcancer.org
“The Medicare program and several other major insurance companies have agreed to cover the Breast Cancer Index test. Biotheranostics, the company that makes the Breast Cancer Index test, has a Patient Services Team to help you with verifying insurance coverage and understanding any out-of-pocket costs. The company also has a patient assistance program that helps pay for testing. To contact the Patient Services Team, call 1-844-319-8111. The email address is patientservices@biotheranostics.com.”

This information is provided by Breastcancer.org. Donate to support free resources and programming for people affected by breast cancer.

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